Anytime the word “cure” comes up in medicine, it’s usually followed by the words “if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.” This is especially true when the source of the cure is something a little different or unique – or if the cure has something to do with cancer. And if you combine the unique cure with cancer, you really make people suspicious.
So imagine the reaction when a man from Oklahoma lit up the Internet by telling the world he cured his cancer with his dog’s medication. It sounded preposterous. Just about every medical professional who heard the story said it was impossible. But when you read the story and look at the science, you might think differently. A lot of researchers are doing just that.
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Joe Tippens first learned that he had small cell lung cancer three years ago. He immediately started radiation and chemo at MD Anderson. The treatment was so vicious, it completely shut down his esophagus. He couldn’t eat or drink. The only thing keeping him alive for eight weeks was IV fluids. He lost 85 pounds (from 200 to 115 pounds).
While the treatment destroyed the massive tumor in his left lung, it was too little too late. It had already spread throughout his body. Joe says, A PET scan showed it “had spread to my neck, my right lung, my stomach, my liver, my bladder, my pancreas, and my tail bone. Dozens of tumors.”
With small cell lung cancer, that meant he had “<1% survivability and a median/mean life expectancy of three months.” That’s about as bad as it gets.
With essentially a 0% chance of surviving more than a few months, he went looking for answers. Joe had a chance encounter with a veterinarian who told him about a drug that was curing every cancer it came into contact with – and with zero side effects.
Joe was desperate, so he gave it a try. He started taking the drug in January 2017. Three months later, he went to see his oncologist at MD Anderson Cancer Hospital in Houston. The fact that he was still alive at that point was surprising. He was already beating the odds. And the oncologist wasn’t aware that Joe was taking the dog deworming medication.
After going through another PET scan, the oncologist took some time to evaluate the report. When he came back to talk to Joe, he was dumbfounded. He said my PET was “all clear.” There weren’t any tumors lighting up on the scan. NONE!
The chemo/radiation treatment cost his insurance company $1.2 million dollars and resulted only in the rapid spreading of the cancer. Joe took a $5 a week over-the-counter dog medication, and his tumors were completely gone in three months. It was a miracle – or was it?
Another Astonishing Cure – This One in Just Six Weeks
The story that convinced Joe to take the medication was very similar to his own – only better. The veterinarian he talked to told him about the scientist who discovered the treatment. She was a researcher at Merck Animal Health (this is the veterinary side of the drug company). She was injecting different types of cancers into different mice body parts and seeing how they responded to various treatments. According to Joe’s story, she “stumbled across a product in their canine product line that was batting a thousand in killing these different cancers.”
Then this researcher developed brain cancer. By the time her doctor found it, she was in stage 4, with “no hope, three months to live.” So she decided to try the canine medication. Six weeks later, she was all clear. SIX WEEKS!
Major Medical Institutions Impressed
While Joe didn’t tell his oncologist what cured him right away, researchers at MD Anderson were already aware of the drug’s ability. They, along with researchers at Johns Hopkins, the National Institutes of Health, and other prestigious medical centers around the world were already conducting their own studies on this drug.
So what is this fantastic drug – and just how effective is it? The drug Joe took is fenbendazole. Veterinarians use it to treat pinworms in dogs. There is a human version that’s available that’s called mebendazole.
Johns Hopkins started its research on fenbendazole in 2014. The researchers accidentally discovered that it stopped glioblastoma tumors – the deadliest form of brain cancer – from growing on some mice in their laboratory. Dr. Gregory J. Riggins, a Hopkins professor of neurology and oncology, told the Baltimore Sun: “Most things we try don’t work. And then we find something completely by accident.” So they wanted to know more.
They began looking into mebendazole. Riggins said they’re now seeing promising results in people with glioblastoma. This is the same cancer that killed Senators John McCain and Ted Kennedy. Riggins and many of the other conventional researchers aren’t ready to call the parasite treatments a cure. But you have to be encouraged by the results.
Joe Tippens has told his story to the world and he’s hearing from other people who have tried it. He says dozens of people have told him the fenbendazole has saved their lives. But there are others that have had little or no improvement. So, yes, it could be too good to be true for some people. Cancer is so complicated, it’s rare that one treatment works on every case.
However, both fenbendazole and mebendazole are incredibly safe. Both are known to have very few side effects – and those are usually mild when they do occur. So there’s very little reason to not give this treatment a try.
Will They Work for Your Cancer?
If you have cancer, or know someone who does, you’re probably asking if this treatment will work for you. It’s hard to say. Researchers are still trying to figure out how it works. One researcher – the head of the cell biology department at Rutgers University – has some theories.
This researcher was skeptical at first. But as he looked into the drug, he found that the science behind it – and the research – was very serious. In other words, this wasn’t a “miracle” per se with Joe and the others. There’s a reason it worked. But why?
He theorized that the parasite drugs work because of their ability to bind to the protein tubular, which makes cell division possible. Since cancer cells divide quickly, keeping this protein from doing its job would keep cancer from spreading. If cancer cells don’t divide, they will die and the body can quickly get rid of them.
There’s More to Explain Why It Works
This researcher’s theory is very plausible. In fact, Scientific American published a study out of Punjab University that confirms his theory. But there’s more to this treatment. I’ve told you in the past that cancer is a metabolic disease. Most cases are the result of lifestyle and environmental factors. Diet plays a huge role in many cases of the disease.
So the drug may play a role in cell division, but it could also play a role in sugar metabolism. As you may know, cancer loves sugar. And a study published in the journal Scientific Reports gave further confirmation that the drug causes cell death in tumors by preventing cell division. But the researchers also looked at its ability to stop sugar (glucose) uptake in human cancer cells. They decided to treat two different types of cancer cells, H460 and A549, with the fenbendazole. The researchers found that the drug inhibited glucose uptake in both cell lines.
That means that the drugs essentially starve the cancer to death as well as preventing them from growing. This is fantastic news, as it means that the drug can help in cases where glucose is a significant issue – especially with diabetics. There are no guarantees, of course. But these studies are giving us great hope for a cancer cure – at least for some cancers.
The Protocol Required to Make the Drug Work
What’s amazing about this drug is that it doesn’t work as well by itself as it does with certain nutrients. Joe Tippens’ protocol says the following nutrients are essential for the drug’s effectiveness:
* Tocotrienol and Tocopherol forms (all eight) of vitamin E (400-800 mg per day, seven days a week). You can buy these products online and in most health food stores.
* Bio-Available Curcumin (600 mg per day, two pills per day seven days a week).
* CBD oil (1-2 droppersful [equal to 25 mg per day] under the tongue, seven days a week)
I hope to have more on why these nutrients are so important in the treatment of cancer in future issues. They all are proving vital in cancer treatment and there’s a lot to discuss.
It’s also important to know that Joe didn’t take the fenbendazole every day. He takes the nutrients every day, but he takes 1 gram of the canine medicine three consecutive days and then takes four days off. He repeats this each week. The most popular brand of fenbendazole is Panacur C. It has approximately 222 mg of fenbendazole. That will help you know how much to take, should you decide to try it.
Most researchers are finding that the drug can be taken with chemo, immunotherapy, and radiation, just as Joe did. The drug comes as a powder and won’t dissolve in water. So it’s easiest to take in a smoothie or in yogurt.
The fact that this drug doesn’t work for everyone means you should take it under the supervision of an integrative physician. They can help you determine the best course of treatment and what else you might need to destroy the tumor. You can buy mebendazole over-the-counter from your local pharmacy and online.